What’s Causing Wage Stagnation in America?

What’s Causing Wage Stagnation in America?

Over the past few decades, wages for most Americans have been steadily declining despite an increase in productivity. This phenomenon is known as “wage stagnation” and it is a major drag on the American economy. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of wage stagnation and discuss what can be done to reverse the trend and get wages moving in the right direction again.

Understanding Wage Stagnation

Broadly defined, “wage stagnation” is a situation in which wages either remain stagnant or grow more slowly than the overall rate of inflation. This means that while prices for goods and services are rising, wages are not. This can be especially damaging in an economy that relies heavily on consumer spending, such as the United States.

The Causes of Wage Stagnation

There are several factors that contribute to wage stagnation in the United States, each of which deserve deeper exploration. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the causes of wage stagnation in order to better understand the issue.


Globalization has played a major role in wage stagnation in the United States. As companies move operations abroad, they are able to take advantage of cheaper labor in other countries. This practice has directly contributed to stagnant wages in the US, as companies do not have to compete for talent domestically and are therefore able to pay lower wages.


Automation has also been a major factor in wage stagnation. With advancements in technology, businesses are able to automate tasks that were once performed by workers. This has resulted in a decrease in the demand for workers, driving wages downward.

Declining Union Membership

Another factor in wage stagnation has been declining union membership. Unions can play an important role in bargaining for higher wages and better working conditions for their members. But as union membership has declined in the US, wages have correspondingly stagnated.

The Rise of the Gig Economy

The “gig economy” has become increasingly popular in recent years and has had a direct effect on wages. Companies such as Uber, Lyft, and Task Rabbit have created an “on-demand” work force that allows workers to perform jobs without being formally employed, thus creating a pool of workers willing to work for lower wages.

Solutions to Wage Stagnation

Given the causes of wage stagnation, policy changes must be implemented in order to reverse the trend and get wages moving in the right direction. In this section, we’ll explore some solutions that can be implemented to help tackle the issue of wage stagnation.

Boost the Minimum Wage

One solution to wage stagnation would be to raise the minimum wage. By doing so, employers would be forced to compete for workers on the basis of pay, leading to an upward pressure on wages.

Enforce Wage and Hour Laws

Another solution would be to ensure that wage and hour laws are being enforced by employers. Laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act ensure that workers are being paid fairly for the work they do, and if enforced could go a long way toward solving the problem of wage stagnation.

Improving Labor Market Conditions

In addition to this, policymakers should focus on improving labor market conditions in order to make work more attractive. This could include providing job training and creating incentives for employers to hire and retain workers.

Strengthen Worker Rights

Finally, policymakers should focus on strengthening worker rights in order to ensure that workers have the bargaining power necessary to push for higher wages. This could include strengthening labor unions, creating a national minimum wage, and passing legislation that guarantees labor rights.

Wage stagnation is a major problem in the United States and has been a major factor in the decade-long economic stagnation. The causes of wage stagnation are many, but they boil down to a lack of bargaining power on the part of workers and an inadequate policy response. If policy makers and employers are serious about tackling the issue of wage stagnation, they must focus on boosting the minimum wage, enforcing wage and hour laws, improving labor market conditions, and strengthening worker rights. And with collective effort, the United States can take meaningful steps toward reversing the trend of wage stagnation and getting wages moving in the right direction again.

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