Understanding Physical Features & Political Boundaries
Political boundaries are lines in geography that denote the limits of a country’s territories and political divisions. As such, these lines are defined by physical features that can include everything from mountain ranges and rivers to deserts and coasts. In this article, we explore the physical features that help to define political boundaries.
- Rivers
Rivers are one of the most common physical features that can set the boundaries between two countries. Throughout history, international borders are often drawn based on a river’s flow, often starting at either the source, the mouth or the midpoint. Today, a large number of borders are determined by rivers such as the Rio Grande, a common boundary between the U.S. and Mexico, and the Amur River, which delineates the Russia-China border. Other examples of rivers defining international borders are the Jordan River, separating Israel and Jordan, and the Danube, which marks the border between Bulgaria and Romania.
- Mountains
Mountain ranges are another type of physical feature used to establish political boundaries around the world. These features create an impenetrable barrier that can prevent military movements or other advancements from one side to the other. The most well-known example of mountain ranges used as political boundaries is between Pakistan and India, where the Himalayan mountain range creates one of the largest land borders in the world. Other examples of mountain borders include the Pyrenees between Spain and France, the Alps between France and Italy and the Rocky Mountains along the Canada-U.S. border.
- Lakes
Lakes are bodies of water and, like rivers, they can be used to create political boundaries and international borders. In North America, Lake Superior serves as a natural political boundary between the U.S. and Canada, which is also the world’s longest international freshwater border at 1058 km (655 mi). In Europe, two countries are separated by Lake Geneva, which is the border between France and Switzerland. Other examples of lake boundaries include Lake Victoria, which separates Tanzania and Kenya, and Lake Michigan, which runs between the U.S. and Canada.
- Oceans
Oceans can also serve as natural political boundaries between countries, as vast stretches of open water create a formidable barrier. One of the most well-known examples of oceans defining political boundaries is between the U.S. and Canada, which is divided by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. In South America, the Pacific Ocean forms the western border for Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. In Asia, the Indian Ocean serves as the eastern border for India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and several other countries.
- Deserts
Deserts can also be used to separate two countries, creating a natural barrier that can be difficult to cross due to the harsh conditions. For example, the Sahara Desert separates Algeria and Tunisia in North Africa, while the Gobi Desert serves as a natural border between China and Mongolia. In South America, the Atacama Desert serves as the border between Chile and Bolivia, while the Kalahari Desert forms the boundary between South Africa and Botswana.
- Coastlines
Coastlines are a unique type of natural boundary, as they border the edges of two countries and can be used to define their borders. Many coastal boundaries are established by the presence of rivers, such as the Colombia-Venezuela border near the mouth of the Orinoco River, or with the use of broken lines, such as the border between Norway and Sweden. In addition, islands off the coast of countries can also be used to define political boundaries, such as the U.K.’s boundary with Ireland.
Political boundaries are lines in geography that are defined by physical features, from rivers and mountains to deserts and coastlines. Sometimes, these physical features are so distinct that they create a natural boundary, separating two countries and preventing military movements or other advancements from one side to the other. Therefore, understanding how physical features help to define political boundaries is essential in order to understand the world’s political landscape.