The ancient Egyptians have been one of the most impactful civilizations to have ever existed. From influencing wars, to spreading disease, and even shaping the way we speak today, Ancient Egypt has had an immense impact on world history. Let’s take a look at just how much ancient Egyptians have shaped the world we live in today.
Impact on Warfare
The ancient Egyptians weren’t an incredibly warlike civilization, but they did have an impact on the way warfare is conducted. For example, the ancient Egyptians were the first to develop chariots, which allowed them to outmaneuver their opponents during battle. They also developed a new type of bow called the composite bow, which could shoot arrows at a much greater range than traditional bows. The ancient Egyptians are also credited with creating the earliest example of a standing army, with both infantry and cavalry divisions.
Influence on Language
The ancient Egyptians also had a great influence on language as well. For instance, the ancient Egyptian language known as “Hieroglyphic” is still being studied today, and it helped give rise to many other languages including Coptic and Arabic. Furthermore, the ancient Egyptians were the first to develop a writing system using signs, symbols, and hieroglyphs, which are still used in modern writing systems today.
Influence on Art
The ancient Egyptians were also incredibly influential in the world of art. They created some of the earliest forms of paintings and sculptures and were known for their intricate and beautiful works of art. Additionally, they helped give rise to and popularize the use of murals, which are still seen in artwork today. Furthermore, the ancient Egyptians helped introduce the use of linear perspective in art as well.
Role in Science
While the ancient Egyptians weren’t as advanced as some other civilizations in terms of scientific knowledge, they did make some major contributions in the field. For instance, they managed to develop a very advanced calendar that was based on the phases of the moon, as well as a basic understanding of the seasons. Moreover, the ancient Egyptians had a surprisingly good understanding of diseases and medical conditions and developed various treatments for them, as evidenced by medical texts written by the ancient Egyptians.
Legacy on Trade and Economy
The ancient Egyptians also played a major role in the growth of trade and economy. For instance, they developed a vast network of trade that stretched throughout Egypt and the Middle East, which helped spread the wealth of Egypt and its neighbors. The ancient Egyptians were also the first to introduce the concept of money, with coins being minted and used as currency in Ancient Egypt. Furthermore, they were highly advanced in the fields of banking and finances, with banking being used as early as 107 BC.
Impact on Religion
The ancient Egyptians are probably most famous for their religious beliefs and practices. Their polytheistic religion valued gods highly and worshiped them in different ways, with many temples being built in honor of them. Additionally, the ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, and this belief was so deeply held that elaborate tombs and pyramids were built to house the dead and ensure their journey to the afterlife was successful.
As you can see, the ancient Egyptians have had a huge impact on world history. From influencing warfare to developing a writing system, to shaping art and religion, the ancient Egyptians have left an invaluable mark on the world we live in today. The next time you look at a painting or pick up a coin, remember that the ancient Egyptians have had a hand in shaping the world, and appreciate their influence.