Prioritize you! Here’s how to focus on yourself

We all have days where life’s chaos can get the best of us. Whether it involves our job, family, or friends, it’s often tough to make our own needs paramount. One of the best things we can do is to prioritize our own self-care and make sure we’re taking care of our mental and physical health. Here’s how to focus on yourself amidst life’s chaos.

Importance of Self Care 

Taking care of yourself first is essential for a number of reasons. This is especially true when you’re feeling overwhelmed by life’s madness. Self-care is vital to reducing stress and fatigue, as well as making sure you’re able to take the best care of yourself, both mentally and physically.

First Things First 

When life’s chaos can get the best of us, it can help to focus on the basics. Before getting into something more complex, focus on the basics of self-care such as getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising. Once these tasks are completed, you can make sure you’re taking care of yourself emotionally and psychologically.

Create Boundaries 

Once you have the basics down, create healthy boundaries with your job or relationships. Taking care of yourself means setting boundaries with responsibilities, commitments, and relationships that are causing stress or burdening you. Make sure to establish these boundaries in order to ensure you have time to take care of yourself.

Make Time to Relax 

Make sure to make time to relax and give yourself time to refresh and refuel. Prioritize activities that can center you such as yoga, meditation, and mindful walks. These activities will help you calm down and relax, which can help in refocusing your priorities.


When life starts to spiral out of control, it can be helpful to unplug from technology for a few hours. Being constantly connected with our phones, computers and other devices can be exhausting and lead to burnout. Put your phones and devices away for a few hours, and take that time to focus on yourself.

Say No 

When it comes to taking care of yourself, saying “no” can be a powerful tool. If a demand is too much or something isn’t of value to you, politely decline it or graciously say “no”. This can help you keep your focus of prioritizing yourself and relieving some of the chaos.

Get Outside 

Taking some time to reconnect with nature and to experience the outdoors can have a calming effect. Going outside can help you shift your perspective and help you focus on what matters the most. Just taking some time to be outside can be beneficial to your mental health and help you refocus your priorities.

Check-in with Friends and Family 

Surrounding yourself with positive people can also be helpful in relieving stress and helping you prioritize yourself. Having strong support systems with friends, family and colleagues can give you a sense of comfort. Check in with them and let them know what’s going on, as well as update them on the progress of your self-care journey.

Reach Out for Help 

Finally, make sure to reach out for help if needed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when feeling overwhelmed. There are many resources available for help including therapy, online support, support groups and more. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need it.

Amidst life’s chaos, it’s important to remember to take care of yourself first. From setting boundaries to unplugging from technology and embracing nature, making sure to keep yourself at the top of your priority list is essential. Taking the time to focus on yourself can help you manage your stress, refuel and focus on yourself better.

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