Oldest Governments in the World

The governments in the world today vary and range in their structures, rules, and regulations. But despite the age and origin, some of them retain their original structures and have been in power for centuries. Here are the top five oldest governments in the world that have survived the test of time.

  1. United Kingdom of Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain is the oldest government in the world, with a lineage dating back to the 12th century. The current form of government was established in 1707, when the Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Scotland, and the Irish Kingdom combined to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The reason for its longevity is the parliamentary form of government and rule of law that has been established, as well as its strong representation through the House of Commons.

  1. Iceland

Iceland is the second oldest government in the world, with an unbroken record of democracy since 930 AD. The constitution serves as a foundation to the everyday life in Iceland, and it has been relatively unchanged since it was first written, with only minor amendments. The Supreme Court and the President of Iceland serve to uphold the constitution. Iceland is known for its Nordic welfare system, democratic leadership, and progressive civil liberties.

  1. Norway

The government of Norway is the third oldest government in the world, having been in existence since 1299. Like its neighboring Scandinavian countries, the Kingdom of Norway is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy based on a semi-presidential system. It is heavily reliant on a stable and sustainable public sector that delivers social services including healthcare and education to its citizens.

  1. Vatican State

The Vatican State is the fourth oldest government in the world and the smallest sovereign state in the world. It was founded in 1929 and is an enclave located within Rome. As defined in its constitution, the Vatican State is a unitary, absolute monarchy ruled by the Pope and guided by Catholic principles and laws. It serves as the administrative headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and is a sovereign institution.

  1. San Marino

San Marino is the fifth oldest government in the world, having been founded in 301 AD. San Marino is a constitutional republic that is recognized as the world’s oldest surviving sovereign state and republic. It is located within the borders of Italy, making it an enclave within a nation-state. It is often referred to as the “Most Serene Republic of San Marino” and enjoys a high degree of autonomy and its own legislative and judicial systems.

The oldest governments in the world have been around for centuries and have seen countless generations come and go. From the United Kingdom of Great Britain to the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, these governments have persevered and are symbols of national identity and resilience. Each of these governments has evolved in its own way, adapting to the changing times and situations, and becoming stronger as a result.

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