How Long Did It Take To Build The Egyptian Pyramids?

How Long Did It Take To Build The Egyptian Pyramids?

The Egyptian pyramids are among the most impressive and awe-inspiring architectures in the world. While the exact methods and details of how the pyramids were built remain a mystery, what is known is the amount of time it took to build them. In this article, we’ll explore exactly how long it took to build the Egyptian pyramids and provide a timeline of the pyramid-building process.

The History of the Egyptian Pyramids

The history of the Egyptian pyramids dates all the way back to the 3rd Millennium BC. During this period, the ancient Egyptians began erecting large structures as tombs for their kings and other elite members of society. Most of the earliest pyramids were smaller in size and more basic in design than the iconic pyramids we know today.

The first pyramid, known as the Step Pyramid of Djoser, was designed by a man named Imhotep and built by Pharaoh Djoser’s royal architects. The Djoser pyramid was believed to have been constructed over a period of either 8 or 10 years in the 27th century BC.

Most of the pyramids that we are familiar with today, however, were created in the 4th Dynasty, which was from around 2575-2467 BC, and during what is known as the Old Kingdom period. The most impressive of these is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built for Pharaoh Khufu in 2560 BC, and the only surviving structure of what have come to be called the Seven Wonders of the World.

Timeline of Pyramid Construction

The timeline of pyramid construction is most accurately determined when looking at the period from the 4th Dynasty to the end of the 6th and 7th Dynasties. During this period, nearly all of the most famous pyramids were built and perfecting the construction methods.

Here is a timeline of some of the more famous Egyptian great pyramids and how long it took to build them:

• The Great Pyramid of Giza, 2560 BC – 30-20 year construction period

• The Pyramid of Khafre, 2530 BC – 15-20 year construction period

• The Pyramid of Menkaure, 2490 BC – 10-15 year construction period

• The Bent Pyramid, 2650 BC – 10-15 year construction period

• The Red Pyramid, 2620 BC – 10-15 year construction period

• The Step Pyramid, 2700 BC – 10-12 year construction period

Methods of Construction

The exact methods of constructing these massive pyramids are not entirely clear. Many theories have been proposed and debated ever since the pyramids were built. One of the most accepted theories suggests that the ancient Egyptians moved large stones from the quarry to the construction site in boats, and then manually lifted them into place onto the pyramid structure.

To move large stones around the construction site, ramps are believed to have been created by piling up soil and mud on the sides of the pyramids. Additionally, levers, ropes, and small tracks were likely used to lift the stones into place.

Another popular theory is that the ancient Egyptians invented a type of crane, powered by humans, to lift and place the blocks of stone onto the pyramids.

Legacy of Pyramid Construction

Over the centuries, the legacy of pyramid construction has continued to leave its mark on ancient and modern civilizations alike. Today, many architecture firms are still inspired by the engineering and designs of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, and the great pyramids of Giza remain some of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

The precise amount of time it took to build the Egyptian pyramids is unclear, but estimates suggest it likely took anywhere from 10-20 years or more to construct each one. In any case, the legacy of the Egyptian Pyramids will continue to captivate and astound us all for years to come.

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