A Log Pile: A Wildlife Haven in Your Garden
Many of us are looking for ways to make our gardens a haven for wildlife. Adding flowers and foliage is a great way to attract bees, birds, and other creatures, but having a log pile can take your garden to the next level. Not only can logs create shelter and a food source for many species of animals, but they will also add a unique aesthetic to your outdoor space.
Who Lives in a Log Pile?
Log piles provide excellent shelters for many species of invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, and birds. Both flying and ground-dwelling animals will find a haven in your log pile, even if your garden is small. Wildlife that might take up residence in your log pile includes:
• Bats
• Field mice
• Dormice
• Voles
• Hedgehogs
• Rabbits
• Foxes
• Woodpeckers
• Thrushes
• Chaffinches
• Sparrows
• Great Spotted Woodpeckers
• Tits
• Wagtails
• Finches
• Slowworms
• Grass snakes
• Lizards
• Woodlice
• Millipedes
• Snails
• Beetles
• Earthworms
• Split-backed millipedes
• Spiders
As well as providing ideal habitats, log piles act as a food source for a number of different species. Invertebrates, reptiles, and amphibians will all find the woodpile an ideal place to hunt for food, thanks to the tiny insects and larvae that will be hiding amongst the logs.
Types of Logs For Your Log Pile
In order to create a log pile that is suitable for wildlife, it is important to choose the right kind of logs for your space. Deciduous trees, such as oak, ash, or birch are a great option for providing a relatively sheltered area with plenty of food sources.
When buying or collecting logs for your log pile, look for ones that are cracked, knotty, and natural. Even better, if you can find logs with holes near the base of them, this will provide a shelter to the animals that make your log pile their home.
Where’s the Best Place to Put Your Log Pile?
The best place to create a log pile is in a quiet, sheltered corner of your garden. When selecting the location of your log pile, make sure it is away from water sources and is at least half a meter away from buildings and any fencing.
The most important factor is to choose a spot that will remain undisturbed. As well as providing shelter, a log pile is a breeding area for many species of animals, so you don’t want to disturb the log pile too often.
Creating Your Log Pile
When you are ready to create your log pile, you can use the following tips to get the best out of it:
• Start by creating a small layer of logs and wood on the ground, ensuring there are lots of cracks and crevices between the logs.
• Create layers of logs, alternating between small and large logs, rocks, twigs, and other materials.
• As you build your log pile, be sure to leave plenty of gaps between the logs, as these will act as sheltered areas for wildlife.
• Make sure that some of the logs jut out at different angles to create a more diverse habitat.
• Try to keep the log pile at least 0.5 meters tall, and make sure it’s at least 2 meters wide.
• Once you’ve finished your log pile, you can add moss, lichen, and plants to make it look even more natural. This will also provide additional shelter and food sources for the wildlife that visit your log pile.
Looking After Your Log Pile
Once you have built your log pile, it is important to look after it in order to ensure that it continues to provide shelter and food to the creatures that live in it. Here are some tips on how to best look after your log pile:
• Be sure to keep the log pile moist by adding water during dry spells. This will attract more wildlife and provide more food sources.
• Create a shallow water pool at the base of the log pile, which will act as a drink source for wildlife during the hot summer months.
• Ensure that the log pile is not disturbed for long periods of time, as it may take months for wildlife to start using it.
• During wet weather, add more logs to the log pile in order to provide additional shelter.
• Replace any logs that have rotted or broken down and make sure to keep an eye out for any diseases or pests.
Though creating a log pile in your garden may seem daunting at first, the effort will definitely be worth it, as it will become a haven for many species of wildlife. Not only will your garden become a much more alive and vibrant space, but you will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping many animals to have a safe and comfortable home.
Creating a log pile is a great way to give something back to our wildlife and to make a real contribution to nature.