Could Your Political Views Stymie Your Career?
We often talk about the prevalence of politics in our day-to-day lives, and the power of certain political views and ideas. But have you ever considered the impact your political views could have on your career? Unfortunately, in a world of heightened political divisions, your political beliefs can and will affect your employment prospects in various ways. In this article, we’ll explore how your political views can stymie your career and how you can navigate potentially tricky situations.
What Are You Signing Up For?
When you’re hired for a job or begin to pursue an employer, you’re agreeing to certain commitments of what you will and will not do. This can include the typical start and end dates and salary, as well as certain loyalty requirements, such as frequent business trips or relocations for the company.
However, you may not have expected that the employer may have an unwritten and unstated policy against certain political views or ideologies. Many workplaces and employers can be influenced by the views of the team, customers, and other stakeholders, and employers may not want to take the risk associated with a hire who is highly visible or vocal with their political views.
The Bottom Line on Social Media
The most significant point of contention between employers and employees these days has to do with social media. And while many employers do not want their employees to post controversial material on their personal accounts, some organizations outright prohibit the discussion of politics and espousing of political views.
If you are applying for a job and believe that your political views could be a problem for the employer, you may want to stay away from discussing politics on social media and keep any public accounts from having any political comments, attendances at rallies, or show of support for a particular political leaning.
Be Mindful of How Your Political Views Are Perceived
Depending on where you are applying to work, you should be mindful of how your political views may be perceived and where you stand on the political spectrum relative to your potential employer. Groups such as the Alt Right, National Socialists, and the like can be difficult for employers to accept, especially if their organization is already quite political.
On the other hand, if you are a progressive and looking to work with a conservative organization, you may find yourself in a precarious position. After all, the employer may not want to appear as if they are taking sides in the political divide, and this can be a major issue.
Can You Hide Your Political Views in the Job Search?
In some instances, you may be able to hide your political views when you are searching for a job. Politics are not generally discussed in many job interviews, and in some cases, they’re completely off-limits. Furthermore, there is no need to include your political views on your resume. It’s always better to focus on the skills and experiences that qualify you for the job rather than on your personal beliefs.
However, hiding your political views won’t always work. For example, if you work in fields such as media, politics, business, or law, political views can make a difference. In addition, if you have a vocal social media presence, it’ll be difficult to cover up what you have posted in the past and your employers will notice it.
What Are the Legal Ramifications for Discussing Politics?
When it comes to legal protection, the unfortunate news is that, in the United States, there is generally no law protecting workers from being discriminated against based on their political views. Generally, workplace protections such as those based on religion, gender, race, and other protected statuses, don’t apply to political views or expression.
That being said, individual states may have laws that do offer some sort of protection. In addition, some employers do have policies in place that protect their employees’ political views. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the laws in your region, as well as the rules and policies your employer adheres to.
Navigating Political View Discussions in the Workplace
As mentioned above, it is important to be aware of the policies of a potential employer before signing up for a job. However, even if it is allowed, it is generally advisable to stay away from discussing politics in the workplace. Furthermore, it is important to know when to stop a discussion before it starts to turn divisive.
It is also important to be aware that some companies have “no politics” policies and will require you to sign a document stating that you won’t discuss politics in the workplace. In these cases, it is important to be aware of the rules and to abide by them.
3 Strategies to Consider When Your Political Views Could Affect Your Career
Be proactive and out yourself: In some cases, the best strategy is the most counterintuitive. If you know your political views will likely be a barrier to a job offer, you may be able to preempt the issue by mentioning it upfront. You can do this in the form of a statement explaining your political views and how they line up or differ from the prospective employer.
Focus on the job requirements and qualifications: Focus on the requirements of the role and skills required, as well as any successes you have achieved in the role and in the industry. This will allow you to demonstrate why you are a great fit for the job, regardless of what your political beliefs may be.
Consider the power dynamics involved: Consider the power dynamics between the interviewer and yourself and how your presence could influence others in the room. During the interview, remember that your views and beliefs are important, however you can still remain professional and civil while representing yourself in a positive light.
It’s important to be aware of the impact your political views can have on your career, and to be mindful of your political expression in the workplace and on social media. Understand the legal complexities of politics in the workplace, and consider brushing up on local laws and regulations that protect your political views. On top of all this, consider using one of the proactive strategies outlined above to help you maintain a positive relationship with potential employers.